Monday, 12 December 2016

How to find a job that turns you on

For me, the most exciting thing doesn’t happen on the weekend. It happens at 5am, every morning when I wake up. I wake up with the birds, the sunrise and quiet streets. I read my emails and jump out of bed ready for some exercise! No matter what time I've gone to bed, I wake up with excitement. Am I crazy? No, I just love my work.
I love what I do and I firmly believe this is a critical factor, often overlooked, in overall health and wellbeing. You spend a majority of your week working or thinking about work. So why wouldn’t you choose to do something you love?
Many people are forced to work at jobs they hate, and it’s evident by the army of sad faces we see on the daily march to work. I understand, believe me I do. Commitments like mortgages, cars, family and lifestyle force people to stay in jobs they don’t love. But I believe there comes a time where one has to take control of one’s life, and change whatever it is that’s making you unhappy. 
Don’t worry, you’re not alone. We’ve all had a job we hate at some point in our lives, with financial and life commitments that force us to stay there. It’s about realising what’s making you unhappy, and having the courage to make lasting change. 
The late Steve Jobs said, “I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: ‘If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?’. Whenever the answer has been ‘No’ for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.” The guy created Apple and Pixar, and he was still pondering whether his work was fulfilling. We all have these moments, as humans, but it’s how you deal with these that defines you.
The best way to start is to have a side hustle or hobby that you really enjoy. Use your hidden talent to get closer to fulfilment. You may work as an accountant during the day, but play bass guitar for live gigs in the evening, or like getting your hands dirty with landscape gardening. Passion doesn’t work 9-5, passion works 24/7.
If you’re not fulfilled in your current job, the first step should be to speak out. Talk to your boss! Is there anything else at work you could be doing that would make your day more fulfilling and enjoyable? What could give you greater satisfaction at work and increase your output?
If you are stuck in a rut, think to yourself, what would turn you on in the mornings? What would make you leap out of bed in excitement everyday?
For me, it’s knowing that I’m working towards bringing lasting change to the employment market. We are giving flexibility back to bosses and shifters through our app. No more resumes. No more applications. No more job interviews. Instant access to the jobs that suit you! Passionate about a career change but never tried it before? Merlin provide a risk free opportunity to chase that dream.
Whether you’re an accountant with a green thumb, or a brickie who can hit the high notes like Christina – sign up on the Merlin website ( and be ready for when we launch in Feb 2017!

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

THE INTERVIEW - R.I.P (3100 B.C. - 2017)

If you’re a boss, ask yourself: How much can I really learn about a person in an interview? How much of what they’re telling you is because they know you want to hear it and how much of what they say is true and unbiased?
I often wonder to myself why businesses bother to interview. Instead we should be able to narrow the candidates down from the ‘must-have’ and ‘nice-to-have’ criteria and set them to work with us in a trial capacity and see who fits best with company expectations and culture. 
I mean, there is an industry built around passing interviews, from courses on interview techniques, books on tips and tricks and professional CV writers – it’s pretty much an art form unto itself about how to sell yourself into a job. In my opinion, a bit like dating, its best to present yourself honestly and openly to prospective employers (and vice versa) so there are no nasty surprises and everyone can save a lot of time and energy when the inevitable comes out. 
The interview itself has been around for thousands of years with one of the first being documented in Ancient Egypt the Bible: "Pharaoh started this interview with a compliment: “It is said about you that when you hear a dream you can interpret it” (Genesis 41-15) - and you'll all know - nothing has changed Isn’t it about time for a different approach?
Imagine a world where the Costanza-approach were to be applied to candidate matching (I.e. Do the opposite of what you would normally do). Where candidates’ skills, personality, aptitudes and working style were laid bare as were that of a prospective employer (where the company excels, what it’s really like working for said company etc.). Then you would get hard data with which to match the two interested parties. Sure there will be more factors than I have mentioned here but the essence of the reason why we conduct interviews will in effect be eliminated. 

If you had a person with the 'right stuff', why wouldn’t you invite them in to see how they perform? Would there be a need to interview them if you know exactly what they can do and how they go about doing it?
Advances in technology and its acceptance has meant that some employers and candidates have decided to let an algorithm do the tango. Resulting in better employer-employee matches and a serious reduction in time spent interviewing and screening and more time getting down to business. Some are touting that the interview as you know it will be dead by 2018.
Merlin is a year ahead in killing the interview, giving time back to employers. Bosses can be specific with who they’re after (personality type, working style, skill set/s, qualifications etc.). The Merlin app will then (depending on how urgent your shift is) find the closest person that fits your criteria and that is able to work immediately. Bosses can then rate the shifter, and both profiles are enhanced each time a shift is completed.
I am proud to be in the race to revolutionize the way people are hired – making the process as smooth and accurate as possible for all involved.
We are slated to launch in Feb 2017.